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From: mforget@elfhaven.ersys.edmonton.ab.ca (Michel Forget)
Subject: Re: Make It Simple
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 1994 22:27:06 -0600
Precedence: bulk
Hello Ofir,
>>Couldn't we just write it in C and bind it to other languages? Maybe have
>>to convert it to ASM (via compiler) for some (can BASICs load C object files?)
>Couldn't we just use pseudo code so that everyone understands it. I don't
>know C well enough to follow your code.
Why not both? It would only take a few extra minutes to write
>>The app-defs formats proposed so far all allow per-application and
>>global specification of configurations. Keep up.
>Not really. Per-application is not a good idea IMO.
On this point I disagree. Per-application is vital, for exactly the
reason that was mentioned. If you want a feature in one program, but
not in another, you need it. If you want keypresses for unique
options in a program, you need per-application configuration.
>I hope you are wrong. I don't think any app should write to the file, only
Yes, the APP_DEFS.SYS file should be read-only for applications. (Except
the editor that creates it, of course...)
>>The .Xdefaults file's way of specifying shift keys if very sensible:
>Why not save them the same way they are displayed in the menu? ^Q, etc.
>BTW, can I send ASCII 1 and 7 via the internet?
Only printable characters should be used in the file. I am not sure if
you can send ASCII 1/7 through a network. More importantly, though,
you can't type those characters easily in most editors. Much better to
use the method outlined above...
Michel Forget \\ mforget@elfhaven.ersys.edmonton.ab.ca //
Electric Storm Software \\ ess@tibalt.supernet.ab.ca //
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